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Interval Training Routine June 30, 2010

Posted by leadingedgefitness in Cycle Training.
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Classic 45 min interval training routine for people looking to increase power/speed on flat/rolling roads… This workout is no good for those evil mountain passes 🙂

Before we start to spin the pedals we need to know what Heart Rate we are aiming for. My training zone  HR is about 155bpm. There are many ways to find out what yours is but i’m just going on my avg HR for my 1.5-2hr training rides(i.e pushing myself and not looking at the amazing Cape point landscape)

Also you need to spin the pedals at your avg cadence. For me its 100rpm(I like to spin) 

For the intervals I want to be 2obpm below this number for the rest section  and 20bpm over this number for the hard part 🙂

Know the easy bit and its very easy… (on the mind but not on the legs)

The Routine

5mins Warm up building HR to 135bpm(depending on your indoor bike this is gears or levels) I was level 7

5mins Power Interval quickly build up HR to 175 and note what gear/level your on. This was 9 for me

5mins Rest Interval straight back down to your 135bpm level i.e 7

5mins Power Interval back up to your 175bpm level i.e back to 9

5min Rest Interval (as above)

5min Power Interval (as above) 

 5min Rest Interval (as above)

5min Power Interval (as above) 

5min Cool Down Drop back to level 7 then over the next 5 mins reduce the level and drop cadence until HR is below 115-110bpm  

You will find your HR increases each interval as your body needs to recover more but keep with the same levels each interval and this will make you strong 🙂

Enjoy 🙂

3 months to the road bike funride season :) June 28, 2010

Posted by leadingedgefitness in Cycle Training.
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I have seen a lot of people out and about on their road bikes. I think the stunning weather… for winter is getting people out a about.

With 3 months to go until the next road bike fun ride I thought I might post some training tips.

1. Start slow and build the Km’s over time

2. Warm up and cool down on your ride

3. Stretch… The amount of cyclist that cycle in pain because their bodies are so tight and inflexible is amazing. You keep the physio and massage therapists busy.

4. corrective exercise. Your body works better when it is balanced. eg  if your quads and back are being worked while you ride you need to look at working chest and hamstrings in another workout. If you want to cycle pain-free and get the most power out of your body this is the way to go. Book in with someone who can look at your posture and give you a structured exercise plan to align the body. You will be amazed how a few simple moves can realign the body. At Leading Edge Fitness we can do all of this to help you ride faster and reduce injuries.

5. Have fun and watch out for buses and taxis 🙂
