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Swiss Ball Workout April 18, 2011

Posted by leadingedgefitness in Functional Training, paul hammacott, Personal Training, training, Uncategorized, weight loss.
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Swiss ball workout to workthe core and tone… ENJOY

Warm up x 2 (30secs):

  1. Ball rotation
  2. Stepback and press
  3. Wide leg woodchop
  4. Power taps
  5. Squat (arms straight above the head. Do not bend)
  6. Star jumps with forward press

Main Workout (Supersets) x 3 15rep range

  1. One arm chest press + One arm Row (Swiss Ball)
  2. One leg seated single arm Bicep Curl + One leg seated single arm Tricep Extension (Swiss Ball)
  3.  Seated One arm One leg shoulder press + Kneeling on ball or standing on floor single arm side Raise (Swiss ball)
  4. Leg Extension + Leg Curl (Swiss Ball)
  5. Single arm Incline front fly + Single arm rear fly (Swiss ball)
  6. Sit up + Back Extention (Swiss ball)

Cool down and Stretch